Tuesday, November 20, 2012


[žemiau skaitykite lietuviškai]

ANY (angela nina yeowell) is a somatic-visual-vocal-noise-musician in search of
an unresolved, unexplainable, uninterpreted, and unisolated sense of knowing.
Her work is meant to be a mirror; thereby, what you see and hear is you. Her
wish is that you bask in the profundity of direct experience, without the middleman of interpretation, and in doing so, find each sense leading you back
to the same un-language state. It is the direct experience of non-mental understanding that she seeks.
Along with sampling and processing sounds she finds in daily life, ANY plays
and sings to either misshapen musical instruments or self-created, non-musical instruments and their noise. She is interested in where noise meets or even becomes what we know as music. She often makes a visual sculpture or a sonic costume that somehow produces sound, such as a metal coil made as an eye patch, or a patch of fur on her belly played with a violin bow, or mannequin arms playing the harp, or her own hands bound in plastic mitts playing the guitar, or a miniature sculpture strapped to her arm also played with a violin bow.
She sees the visual-ness as not separate from the sonic composition and finds
that it all leads back to the same somatic source. Her images and sounds are
meant as a subversion to the mind, one that causes a blister or a pang or a glow or a splinter for you to identify yourself in a new, unintelligible way. She is
curious about what lies beneath the stories we create and how we come to rest
in a primitive sophistication: a state where we are comfortable in that which we
cannot understand and where we relish in a somatic consciousness.
Thus, she finds not much difference between the white fur on her pink plastic
glove and the pluck of her violin. May there be satisfaction and perhaps, transformation, in the holding of one's own somatic sonic vision.
After years as a professional dancer, ANY settled into the creation of interdisciplinary performance art pieces, video art, and music. She performed
extensively in the U.S. and was a professor of movement and vocal improvisation before relocating to Berlin in 2008, where she continues to perform and research the sonic visual body.

ANY, kurios pseudonimas slepia Angela Nina Yeowell vardą, yra visokiausių neišpręstų, nepaaiškintų, niekeno neinterpretuotų ir neizoliuotų žinijos problemų sprendimu susirūpinusi kūno ir vizualių menų atlikėja, kuri dar kuria noise muzika ir dainuoja. Moters menas – tarsi veidrodis, kuriame regite ir girdite patys save. Kūrėjos didžiausias troškimas – atsikratant bet kokių tarpininkų panardinti kiekvieną pačioje giliausioje prieškalbinėje patyrimo įduboje. Tai tiesioginio, mąstymo nesugadinto suvokimo ilgesys.
Be darbo su semplais ir garso abdorojimu ANY dar groja įvairiausiais deformuotais, savadarbiais ir net nemuzikiniais instrumentais. Šiuo požiūriu ją domina tranzitinis taškas, kada būtent triukšmais esti suvokiamas jau kaip muzika. Dar ji dažnai kuria įvairius kažkokiu būdu garsą skleidžiančius kostiumus ar vizualines skulptūras.
Menininkė neatskiria vizualaus ir garso pasaulių, ji įsitikinusi, kad abu jie veda prie to paties kūniškumo šaltinio. Jos kuriami garsai ir vaizdiniai tarnauja kaip protą dekonstruojantys įrankiai. ANY domina tai, kas slypi už mūsų kuriamų istorijų.
Eilę metų krimtusi profesionalios šokėjos duoną, galiausiai ANY apsistojo ties tarpdisciplininių performansų, video meno ir muzikos kūrimo. kūrėja dažnai rengdavo pasirodymus JAV teritorijoje ir dėstė vokalo improvizaciją bei judesį iki persikraustymo į Berlyną 2008 m., kuriame ji toliau rengia pasirodymus ir tęsia garsinius ir vizualinius kūno tyrinėjimus.

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