Tuesday, November 20, 2012

BY HARUO (Japan)

[lietuviškai skaitykite žemiau]

BY HARUO is the exprimental musician, wrestler and comedian, his real name is KUNICHIRO BUENO.
BY HARUO will perform in Vilnius - Dec. 7th and Kaunas - Dec 8th.
KUNICHIRO BUENO was born August 10th, 1974 in Osaka, Japan. Osaka culture is the one for the comedians. From more than 500 years ago, Osaka people love the comedy. For Kunichiro, the Osaka comedy is also really important and he tried to be a comedian when he was 16 years old.

At the same time he loves Japanese professional wrestling like WWE in USA and tried to be a professional wrestler. He had JUDO black belt and the champion of the amature wrestling in Nara, which is the city near Osaka. In addition, he began to play the accoustic guitar to just get the girlfriend.
To be the comedian, wrestler, and musician, he moved to Tokyo and  made the music group which is called LO-FI NEISANS in 1996. He was a singer composing all the songs. His friends played the bass guitar and the drum. His ex-girlfriend wanted to play the guitar, but couldn't play it. He made her play toys like Godzilla, gun, sword and so on. 
He organized the events every month with experimental musician in Tokyo until 1998. LO-FI NEISANS gave the shows, which the record label, EERIE MATERIAL arranged, at San Francisco in September,1999. They did touring for SF, Oakland, Olimpia, Portland and Seattle in February, 2000. 
Kunichiro, with the members of LO-FI NEISANS, moved to SF and gave shows around there until 2004. Kunichiro went back to Tokyo in 2004 and studied SHAKUHACHI,  Japanese traditional flute until 2006.
In summer, 2006,  he went back to Osaka and stared the perform as BY HARUO. The idea is same as LO-FI NEISANS. To be the comedian, wrestler and musician. What is the diffrence? He uses the drum machine wearing Mexican wrestler's mask while his friends played the bass guitar and the drum wearing amature wrestling costumes.
From November, 2011, he began to travel for all over the world to give shows with CD which he recored at SF in 2002 with the members of LO-FI NEISANS.

BY HARUO (tikrasis vardas KUNICHIRO BUENO) yra eksperimentinės muzikos kūrėjas, imtynininkas ir komikas. BY HARUO pasirodys Vilniuje - Gruodžio 7d. ir Kaune - Gruodžio 8d.Kunichiro gimė 1974 m. komedijos tradicijomis garsėjančioje Osakoje (Japonija). Pirmąkart komiko duonos jis paragavo būdamas 16-os.
Nemažiau už komedijas vyrą žavi imtynių pasaulis, Kunichiro net yra bandęs jėgas profesionalioje Japonijos imtynių lygoje. Kaip ten bebūtų, megėjų čempiono titulą muzikos kūrėjas iškovojo, atkaklumo užteko ir juodam dziudo diržui pelnyti.
Vėliau, siekdamas sujungti visus šiuos begalo plačius veiklos barus, jis atsikraustė į Tokijų, kur 1996 m. įkūrė grupę LO-FI NEISANS. Kunichiro prisiėmė vokalo partijas, draugams palikdamas bosinę gitarą ir būgnus. Nemokanti groti taip trokštama gitara jo buvusi draugė turėjo tenkintis „muzikavimu“ tokiais „instrumentais“, kaip Godzilos figūrėlė, kardas ir t.t..
1999 m. LO-FI NEISANS koncertavo San Franciske, po metų išplėtė savo medžioklės laukus JAV iki Auklando, Olimpijos, Portlando ir Sietlo.

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